Franco-British dual degree in social and political sciences
The number of students accepted for this five-year program is determined each year according to the number of available places. Applicants whose main school leaving qualification is the standard French Baccalauréat or its equivalent – obtained at a French institution or abroad – must submit their application to Sciences Po Lille. All the other applicants must submit their application to Kent.
Those selected study together for the entirety of the program: the first and fourth year are spent at Sciences Po Lille while the second and third years are at the University of Kent.
Concerning the fifth year, students may study in Lille, the University of Kent (campus Canterbury or Brussels), another Sciences Po through mutualisation or at a partner university (according to their Master Specialty choice).
The Franco-British program allows students to receive degrees recognized in both countries, in two cultures and two different systems of higher education. This experience encourages students to be open-minded and develops their ability to adapt to new environments. This program also provides students the perfect opportunity to master two major languages.
We are sorry to inform you that admissions are closed for this dual degree.
For further information please visit our French website.
For more details about University of Kent please visit University of Kent website. Or contact: hssadmissions@kent.ac.uk
Contact person for Sciences Po Lille :
Juliane Laporte
Assistant in charge of double degrees
Office : 2.35