Francesco Vitali got a PhD in “History of Modern Europe. National Cultures and idea of Europe” at “La Sapienza – University of Rome” in 2005. Since 2019 he has been a member of the editorial Staff of the historical reviews «Giornale di Storia» and «Nuova Rivista Storica». He currently is a researcher of type B, affiliated with “La Sapienza – University of Rome”, Department of Political Science, where he holds the courses of Storia della diplomazia in età moderna (first semester) and Storia della globalizzazione (second semester) and had taught until the last academic year Storia dell’Europa e dell’integrazione europea. His studies focus on political, diplomatic and cultural Florentine and European Early Modern History. He has participated as a speaker at several national and international conferences about these subjects and currently participates in the Italian Lily research group within the PRIN, which focuses on the circulation of people and texts from Italy to France during the 16th century, led by Elena Valeri.
In addition, he has recently been admitted to the Doctoral College of “Storia e culture d’Europa”. Among his works there are two Monographs: Pierfrancesco Giambullari e la prima Storia d’Europa dell’età moderna, Roma, FrancoAngeli, 2011; I nunzi pontifici nella Firenze di Ferdinando I (1587- 1609), 2017: Giambullari, Gelli e la Discesa di Christo al Limbo di Bronzino: un’ipotesi interpretativa, «Archivio Storico Italiano», 2013; Il profilo “mediceo” di Bronzino nelle Vite di Giorgio Vasari: tra sviste e adattamenti, «Nuova Rivista Storica», 2020; Rapporti e manovre diplomatiche tra Ferdinando I e Venezia nel carteggio dei Nunzi pontifici inviati a Firenze, in Et ventis adversis Liber amicorum Eugenio di Rienzo, a cura d E. Gin, A. Guerra, M. Rinaldi, V. Sommella, Roma, Società editrice Dante Alighieri, 2022, pp. 357-370; scritti di Paolo Mini e l’ideologia del principe repubblicano: tra approssimazioni successive e necessitate ricomposizioni, in «Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica», 2023, pp. 88-107.