Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Esther Lopatin from the Israel institute for a class on “The EU, Isrel and the Middle East”.




Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Rosario Ruiz Franco from Universidad Carlos III, Madrid for a class on “La Espana del siglo XX: una mirada poliédrica”.



Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Mary Helen O'Connor from Georgia State University, USA for a class on “Perspectives on Global Migration”.

Dr. Mary Helen O’Connor has been a part of the Georgia State community since 2006, currently an assistant professor of English and the director of the Center for Community Engagement at Georgia State University.

Her teaching, research, and community advocacy work focuses on the field of migration studies, education, and rhetoric and composition and explores refugee education, agency, and identity.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor David Kalisz from the Collegium Civitas,Poland for a class on “innovation on business models”.


Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Mathias Freise from Münster University, Germany for a class on “European governance”.


Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Radoslav Dimitrov for a class on “Diplomacy and negociations”.

Radoslav Dimitrov helped negotiate the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. He participated in UN diplomacy since 1999 and in climate negotiations since 2009, re-designed the European Union negotiating strategy, and served as Co-Chair of the EU Task Force on Communication.

Welcome to professor Antonia Graf!

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Antonia Graf for a class on “Sustainability and Social Justice”.
Antonia Graf studied Political Science, Sociology and German Studies at the University of Münster. In 2016 she obtained her PhD in the discipline of Political Sciences, looking at the discursive power of transnational organisations in the Sustainability field.

The International Students went to the European Parliament in Brussels last Friday!

They got to know the European Parliament and its structure better:

The European Union: What and Why ? - the main achievements of the European Union, the institutions

The European Parliament: Its powers and roles, and its defence of liberty and democracy

They also visited the hemicylcle.

Luckily, the weather was sunny!



Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Manuel Alcantara who is giving a class on “Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America” from March 25th until April 5th 

Universidad Complutense de Madrid PhD in 1984; Universidad de Salamanca Political Science Full Professor since 1993 and now Visiting Professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín (Colombia).

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Valérie Gorin who will give a class on “Humanitarian Communication: Contexts and challenges” from march 21st until april 4th. 



Breaking news

  • Summer School Registration is open!
  • Enjoy your holidays!
  • Happy autumn break!
  • “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Aristote

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